Asante Kids School Fees Renewal

This month we are renewing and adding sponsors. For $225, each child receives 3 terms of school, a uniform, a Saturday program and meal, and medications. Many of these children would not be able to attend school without this support. Several students have graduated and moved on to jobs or further education. Read the most recent newsletter on our Serve page. Read the brochure to learn more about the Asante Kids program and how you can sign up to...

Baby Shower

All women are invited to join us in Olleman Hall to celebrate the Washburn’s baby girl expected at the end of the month. Vanessa is registered at Target; they also would like diapers in all sizes and diaper wipes.

Women’s Fall Brunch

Join us for a warm breakfast and presentation on Keeping Friendships Alive. Please let the church office know if you are coming so we have enough food.

Women’s Coffee

The last women’s coffee gathering of the summer will be at Doris Magedanz’ from 10 a.m.-noon. Invite a friend and come enjoy getting to know the women of Calvin better.

Volunteer Application

VBS Volunteers: Read the Child Safety Policy and turn in page 8 to the church office. If you have not completed a Volunteer Application in the past 3 years, fill this out and turn it in. Thank...