Events | Calvin Presbyterian Church | Corvallis Oregon - Part 6

Christmas Tea

Join us after worship for the annual Deacons Tea. Pick up a free ticket at church or call the church office to let us know you’re coming.

Ice Cream Social and Recital

Join us at Janet Magedanz’ home for an ice cream social outside under the maple tree. After enjoying ice cream and conversation, we’ll move inside to celebrate the arrival of Janet’s baby grand piano with a music recital from various Calvin musicians. Please contact Janet if you can attend, so we plan for enough...

Andrew will be here Sunday, August 13. Meet him at this Q&A time that will take place in lieu of Sunday School.

Women’s Conference

Join us for all or part of the weekend of June 2-4 at a local residence. Meals will be provided from dinner Friday night through breakfast Sunday morning (before heading to worship at Calvin). This year’s theme will focus on how rich connections with our spiritual family can help bring us into fuller relationship with Jesus. Or, put plainly, spiritual mentorship. Contact the church office for more details and/or to...

Pizza and Prayer

We will gather for a meal, followed by a prayer time that will be structured around either passages of Scripture or particular themes. There is no expectation that everyone will pray aloud. Pizza will be provided; please bring a side and your own tableware if...

Dialogue: Holy Spirit

Dialogue is an opportunity to wrestle together with difficult subjects and questions related to the life of faith. Pastor Zach will make a brief presentation; the rest of the time is for questions and discussion.